3 Fantastic New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

3 Fantastic New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

With Christmas break coming up, teachers can take a week or two to rest and relax.

With Christmas break coming up, teachers can take a week or two to rest and relax. But once the school year picks up again in January, they can start trying some of these fantastic new year’s resolutions. Just what might they be? Please read on to find out!

Do Something Different

While your old approaches to the classroom might still work, every so often you should mix it up and find some fresh ideas. Did you just complete your first year of a teaching job? Give yourself an honest assessment of how you did: what worked with the students, and what didn’t? Consider hanging onto what worked, but do something different with what didn’t.

Connect with Your Students

Maybe one of the problems you encountered was being unable to connect with your students. Every teacher strives to be the “cool” teacher. You might not think of yourself as a mentor, but teachers of all kinds can inspire their students. Encourage them to chase their dreams and show genuine interest in what gets them excited. For instance, ask them about any hot topic social issues they’re passionate about, or have them describe their family traditions for the holidays, especially since Christmas and Hanukkah get most of the attention when it comes to winter holidays, but they’re not the only ones that are important.

Help Students Stay Calm

No matter how old your students are, school can be stressful. With all the various activities they can take part in after school or even during school hours, the school year can be just as hectic for students and their parents as it can be for teachers. The most important part of all of this is to help students relax and stay calm. If they are struggling with a mental illness such as depression or anxiety disorders, support them however you can. Suggest some hobbies for your students to take an interest in outside of class time – preferably something that encourages physical activity or social interaction.

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